Brisbane Cycling Club
Established as Cyc'd Cycling Club in 2012
Re-named to Brisbane Cycling Club in 2016
BNECC Race Team launched in 2019

Brisbane Cycling Club was formed in 2016 having evolved out of Cyc’d Cycling Club. Cyc'd Cycling Club was formed in 2012 by a small group of riders who saw the potential benefit of formalising a loose alliance of cyclists who enjoyed a regular ride and a coffee stop into an Incorporated Association affiliated with the former Cycling Queensland, today AusCycling.
At the time of formation the Cyc’d Cycling Club committee set about establishing a club that was built upon a strong philosophy of social riding and building a community of likeminded people. In a short space of time the club also catered for members who wanted to race and undertake challenging cycling events. In five short years Cyc’d Cycling Club expanded due to its welcoming and inclusive culture with a focus of making it a female friendly club.

The future
In November 2016 the club members voted to change the name of the club to Brisbane Cycling Club to allow it to grow even further. Brisbane Cycling Club retains the culture of Cyc’d Cycling welcoming new members from the social rider through to elite racers. We continue to focus on delivering a vibrant and exciting experience for all our members both on the bike and off it through riding, social and other events.
Brisbane Cycling Club welcomes members who share our passion for all things cycling but most of all who value enjoyment and friendship above all else.

Brisbane Cycling Club welcomes members who share our passion for all things cycling but most of all who value enjoyment and friendship above all else. We foster an inclusive and supportive environment where riders can strengthen their form and challenge their personal targets while feeling part of a vibrant community and having fun.
We ride safe, look after each other, ride hard and look awesome!
Elite Race Team
The Brisbane Cycling Club Elite Race Team is competing in the Queensland Road Team Series, consolidating the legacy of our values in the cycling community, proudly representing all the Club members in the Elite Racing in Queensland.